Be the Light
Parish School of Religion

A Tradition Unlike Any Other

Our Parish School of Religion (PSR) program offers a continuous Catholic education for children in grades 1-8 who do not attend Catholic Schools. Through discussion, text materials, prayer and activities, students learn about the Catholic faith. A personal faith journey and knowledge of the church are stressed. Sacramental preparation is a part of this program. The Alive in Christ edition textbook is used in our program.

Second-grade students prepare for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Eighth-grade students prepare for Confirmation.

PSR meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:20 pm at St. Vincent Elementary School. Contact Emily Hager, 573-547-4300 ext 106 for details.

PSR Signup Form

Forms must be filled out every year to ensure records are current. Tuition is due by the end of the current PSR year.

Please turn in all registration papers at St. Vincent de Paul Parish Center, Monday-Friday (7:30 am-4:00 pm). If you have any questions, feel free to contact Emily Hager, PSR director, at 573-846-1060.

Looking for a way to give back?

Please click below to visit our online giving portal.