Service Opportunities
Spritual Growth
Growing Through Faith and Talent
Serving is vital to our spiritual growth and to accomplishing the ministry of the Parish. Our staff is here to equip and empower you and to help you discover the ministry God gifted you to do.
The following is a listing of ministries available at St. Vincent de Paul Parish and the North Perry County Catholic Parishes.
Music Ministry
The St. Vincent adult choir is open to adults and teens that have an aptitude for singing. The choir sings at the 9:00 a.m. liturgy each Sunday. Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings at Church from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. A summer choir is open to anyone who wishes to sing at the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Liturgies. The summer choir starts the 1st Sunday after Memorial Day and ends the Labor Day Sunday. Please contact Terry Rousseau at 573-547-4300 ext 107 or email for details.
Cantors serve the parish community as leaders of song at the weekend liturgies. Training is required from the Director of Music Ministries before one can serve in this area. Please contact Terry Rousseau at 573-547-4300 ext. 107 or for more details.
Liturgical Ministry
Parishioners have been commissioned by the Pastor to assist the Presider at Mass to distribute the Body and Precious Blood of Christ. The ministers also have the option of visiting, praying and bringing communion to the sick and homebound parishioners. Contact Paula Schurbusch or Randy Dickman for more details
Parishioners have been commissioned by the Pastor to distribute the Body of Christ to patients in the hospital and homebound. Contact Randy Dickmann or Paula Schnurbusch for details.
The sacristan prepares the “things that are necessary” for the celebration of the liturgy: the books, the vessels, the bread, and the wine. The sacristans also make sure the vessels are purified places everything away. A small training session is held. Contact Sr. Delores for details.
The duties of an usher are: greeting people as they arrive at Church, taking up the collection at the offertory, assisting the people at communion, helping with distribution of the parish guide after Mass, ensuring the church is in good order for the next Mass, and tending to the needs and concerns of the people attending Mass. Contact Randy Dickmann for more details
The Altar Server are male and female students who are in the 5th grade or above. They assist the Presider during weekday and weekend Masses, as well as Holy Days, funerals, weddings and other liturgical celebrations. Contact Paula Schnurbusch for details.
Lectors proclaim the Scripture readings in the Eucharistic Liturgy at a weekday or weekend Mass and other liturgical celebrations. All ages welcome. Training is provided and scheduling is flexible. Contact Paula Schnurbusch for more details.
Social Ministry
The Ladies of Charity's goal is to help the poor and needy of our Parish and County bringing them bodily and spiritual nourishment. The Food Pantry is located at 1001 Rosati Court and is open to Monday mornings from 8:30am to 11:00am and Thursday evenings from 5:00pm to 6:30pm. They prepare food baskets at Christmas. Support comes from the parish through the collection at the Thanksgiving Day Masses, the money received in the poor box located in the gathering space of Church as well as other activities donated throughout the year. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of the months of September thru May at 1:00pm. Contact Maureen Mattingly for details
Founded by Frederic Ozanam, this organization works to deepen faith and reduce human suffering by working with the poor and needy. For more information, please contact Ed Schumer at 573-547-8595.
The Immaculate Conception Ladies Sodality main devotion is to the Blessed Mother and her Son, Jesus. Their motto is: “To Christ through Mary.” The Sodality cares for the sanctuary, contributes to changing altar cloths, pays for the cleaning of linens and the server albs, altar bread/wine, and contributes time and talent to other Church functions. The Sodality is open to any Catholic female over eighteen years of age. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month. Please contact Mary Beth Richardet for details
Christian Formation and Prayer Ministry
There in the chapel, the consecrated host in the Monstrance is on the Altar. Members of the Parish are present in prayer and adoration. For many years this was possible 24/7. Today, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed on the altar from 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. There is a coded lock for hours when the office is closed. Effort is made to maintain the presence of at least one person at all times. If there is need for some hours to be filled, this is noted in the bulletin. This is a very special opportunity to grow in faith, hope and love of our Lord in a personal way. The words of Jesus to Peter, James, and John can serve as a reminder and an invitation: “Can you watch not one hour with me?” Contact Sr. Delores for more details.
The Ministry of Praise is overseen by the Stewardship Committed associated with the whole parish. The purpose of the Ministry of Praise is to energize the prayer life of our parish, community and world. We Catholics believe in prayer. The power of prayer is overwhelming and this prayer project developed into a great surge of many hearts who are praying for God’s blessing on the parish. Members pray alone each day, as a prayer commitment, wearing the Cross of Jerusalem. They direct their prayers to the special intentions found monthly in the Parish Bulletin. Members pledge simply to offer their prayers, works and sacrifices for the good of the Parish and Church. There are no meetings or dues. Members are commissioned at a brief ceremony after the 8:00 a.m. Mass on a Saturday. Membership is open to adults. Contact Christy Presnell for details.
The St. Vincent De Paul Prayer Group is a fully Catholic charismatic prayer group that is open to the public. We acknowledge the headship of our Catholic Parish, St. Vincent De Paul in Perryville, MO. The pastor is fully informed of the activities of the prayer group. We are registered as a fully charismatic prayer group operating under the umbrella of the Archdiocesan Charismatic Office and the National Service Committee. Our prayer group and our ministries follow the structure recommended by the Archdiocesan Charismatic Office and the National Service Committee. We encourage participation in area-wide gatherings and administrative activities. We meet weekly on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the parish office. The session consists of The Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Hymns of Praise, prayer, meditation, Scripture Readings, sharing and petitions. Contact Kathy Wheeler for more details.
The youth group is open to all 7th through 12th grade students. The youth group is building the foundation of our Church today through song, prayer, activities, mediation and sharing every week. The 7th and 8th grader’s meet on Sundays from 1:00 P.M. to 2:00 P.M. and the 9th through 12th grader’s meet on Sundays from 3:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. All meetings are held in the youth group room located in the Parish Center. Contact Emily Hager for details.
The Christian Initiation of Adults is a process by which education about the Catholic Church and commitment to the Church takes place over a period of time. Weekly meetings begin the first Wed. in Sept. and rites are celebrated throughout the year. Preparation is for the sacrament of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) which are received at the Easter Vigil. Volunteers are need to help prepare refreshments, be a substitute sponsor, or share their faith.
Contact Sr. Delores for more details.
Adult religious education takes various forms. DVD and Video programs are offered. Reading material is provided. Bible studies and parish missions are offered. Volunteers are needed to promote these opportunities. Contact Sr. Delores for details.
The Grief Support meetings are for those who are experiencing grief from the loss of someone or something in their lives. Learn from others who are also coping. Join us and benefit from the support of others. Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month in the Seton Room at 7:00 p.m. Contact Sr. Delores for more details.
Service Ministry
The SV green thumbs committee meets on an as-needed basis to plant and/or maintain several areas of the parish property. Some members prefer to adopt flowerbeds or landscaped area and care for them individually. The green thumbs operate solely from donations mostly from committee members. All parishes are in need of volunteers. Contact Evelyn Rehagen for details.
The building and grounds committee works with the maintenance staff of the Parish by contributing time and labor to help with out of the ordinary maintenance of the Parish facilities. Recommendations are made to the Pastor for building and plant improvements and repairs. Our needs include the following: carpentry/woodwork, painting, plumbing, lawn/shrubbery and electrical. Contact Bob Prost for details
Participate in the planning and decorating the church for liturgical seasons including Christmas, Holy Week, Easter and Pentecost. Contact Randy Dickmann for details
Agency in Southeast Missouri that serves girls and women, before and after giving birth, who are in need of medical attention, shelter, clothing infant supplies, and provide emotional and spiritual support. The Parish hosts a speaker annually and gives a special collection for this worthy cause. During the annual children’s Christmas Mass baby items are donated and given to needy babies and their mothers.
The Pro-Life Action Group is a group of parishioners and community members who wish to take part in activities to protect the unborn, those who cannot speak for themselves, and promote respect for life from conception to natural death. Check your parish bulletin for meeting dates and times. Contact Joyce Hennemann for details
The jail ministry goal is to provide Spiritual/Catholic presence to inmates of the Perry County Jail and their families. Contact Randy Dickmann for details
This ministry has grown since we started the Tuesday evening classes, so we also want to share Thursday nights with anyone who can quilt or would like to quilt. The quilts that are made are used for the St. Vincent De Paul Parish Picnic bingo games. The schedule is Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Wednesday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The quilting room is on the main floor of the De Paul Building. The schedule is very flexible as far as coming and going. You can stay the whole time, or come in for an hour. Contact Louise Finger or Becky Schnurbusch for details.
The Holy Name Society was founded to honor and revere the name of Jesus, and open to all men of the Parish sixteen years of age or older. There are yearly dues. Members take care of the outdoor Christmas decorations help prepare the grounds for the Parish Picnic and help with the maintenance of the facilities. OLV men meets monthly. Contact Randy Dickmann for details.
The wedding coordinator prepares the sanctuary and gathering space for a wedding and rooms in the parish center for the wedding party to prepare for the wedding. When the wedding is over the coordinators return to move things back in place and make sure that the rooms are in good order. The coordinators are usually teams of 2 women. Contact Kim Pruett for details.
Money counters are volunteers who gather weekly for the responsibility of counting the church collections. Duties include open church envelopes insuring the amounts checked correlate with the amount given. They count and tally the collections for deposit and prepare reports for office staff to enter totals into the computer. Contact Emily Hosey for details
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic family organization that serves the Church and Community. The K of C has several major fundraisers to help raise funds for the Perry County Sheltered Workshop, Association for Retarded Citizens, Cardinal Glennon Hospital and Rose for Life Campaign which help support Pro-Life activities. The K of C is open to all males 18 years of age and older, must be a practicing Catholic and sponsored by a current member. Meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Contact Jay Lottes for details.
The women in the auxiliary assist the Knights of Columbus with their activities. Other service activities include visiting nursing homes, preparing and serving Honors and Alumni Banquets, wedding and anniversary celebrations and blood mobile canteen.
The Serra Club is an international organization whose objectives are to foster and promote vocations to the Catholic priesthood, religious life and to support priests in their ministry. A group is currently forming in our Parish. Please call the Parish Center at 573-547-4300 or watch the bulletin for dates and times of meetings. To learn more, go to
Funding Organizations
The Seminary Picnic occurs the first Saturday/Sunday weekend in August and the Friday evening before. The Picnic Committee consists of parishioner’s that meets the second Thursday of each month to plan, evaluate and prepare for this major annual parish fund raising event. The chairpersons and numerous volunteers work together to make this an enjoyable event for the visitors, parishioners and local community a success. Please contact a Picnic Committee member if you would like to help in any way, or have any suggestions to help improve the picnic. Contact Randy Dickmann or Bill Wingerter, Jr. for details.
The Annual Catholic Appeal formerly known as the Archdiocesan Development Appeal (ADA) is an opportunity for us to bring faith and hope to our less fortunate brothers and sisters in our Archdiocesan Family. The drive is usually in April & May. St. Vincent parish receives direct funding from the ACA towards the Catholic High School, tuition assistance and the food pantry. Contact Randy Dickmann for details.
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