WHO: Open to those at least 18 and over (purchaser and name on ticket) in states where charitable raffles are legal and permitted.
WHAT: Queen of Hearts Progressive Jackpot Raffle
WHEN: Friday nights (subject to change with prior notice) from 5-8PM tickets will be sold for cash, but online purchases are available 24/7. Winning ticket will be drawn around 8PM.
WHERE: Online and at the Knights of Columbus Hall at 31 S. Church Street, Perryville, MO.
WHY: To support St. Vincent de Paul Schools and Alumni Association..
HOW: Purchase a raffle ticket ($2 ea. / 6 for $10) from 5pm - 8pm on Fridays at the KC Hall (subject to change), or at Elder's Barber Shop / Parish Office during business hours. You can easily buy tickets online, 24/7, using the two QR Code below and creating at SV DePaul Faith Direct account to manage your purchases. If the Queen of Hearts is revealed at the drawing we have a winner. If not, the owner of the ticket drawn will receive a $100 payout. If you are present for the live drawing you win 100% of the jackpot. For a complete set of rules click here.
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Queen of Hearts Drawing
Updated 10/8/2024
Next drawing will be on FRIDAY NIGHT at the K of C at 9:00 (after the homecoming game)
Estimated Jackpot $3,400!!
There will be no meal this week due to homecoming